Sunday, March 28, 2010


Life has been CRAZY for that last couple of months. We knew this year would be a year of change and take us out of our comfort levels more so than in the past.
However, I will say that no matter how stressed I was or am, I would never even come close to considering this! [above picture] I found this picture on MSN.COM this morning with the title, "Stressed? Try a snake massage"
Oh for real are there more than just a handful of people that would actually do this and it would relax them???

In other news, I'm sick. This is the last thing I or anyone else in my family needed right now. The house has been quarantined due to pink eye [thankfully only one has actually gotten it so far] and me and one other have full blown snot noses [by full blown i mean i 'm confident i could launch a snot rocket further than my sidewalk... or even possibly out the window in a moving car and it would go out far enough to not land on the back of my car, but on the next person's that is full blown snot] I'm dying at the idea of that... with all the nastiness in the world, that should be one of the summer Olympic games!

We're surviving though and that is good - right? 2 steps forward and sometimes we are required to take one step back. (I'll make it a little itty bitty one)


  1. Snake massage?? Are you joking?

    That snot stuff is pretty nasty. Good luck with that.

  2. I'd rather have your snot rocket land on my face than have even one of those snakes ner me!

    How you're feeling better fast. Is there anything I can do (from Snowflake?). It's windy here so I can warn you to not come and visit this week!

  3. that snake picture is the sickest thing ever! and you know i am not lying! totally got eebee-jeebees...
    ps how are you???
